How to choose ATS?
ATS Functions
Nowadays, more than ever, the focus is on streamlining and automating work. This is no different in recruitment. Recruiters need to move with the times and be able to find, reach and engage candidates through many different platforms. ATS (Applicant Tracking System) can facilitate both recruitment and search of candidates by combining almost all components of recruitment together. The ATS helps sort candidates in one place, record the progress of their interviews, involve managers in recruitment, integrate different job portals, link LinkedIn or your own career site, and much more. In today's blog you will learn what to focus on when selecting ATS.
1. Identification of requirements for recruitment automation
The automation of part of the recruitment process takes many forms, from mass events with candidates, smart email or document templates, automation of activities on Linkedin, to the involvement of chatbots. Such automation will help you reduce the time to fill in boxes of documents and different tables, but above all it will save you costs and make your results more efficient. Be clear about what your ATS requirements are in this respect and compare the offers of each supplier.
TIP! Read, why do you need ATS for your recruitment process
2. Unification of all recruitment processes in one place
If you get candidates from multiple sources (career sites, various career portals, direct search on social networks etc.), you probably already know that uniting these candidates in one place is almost impossible. Especially if you keep the data in the form of an Excel spreadsheet.
If you're using different career sites or reaching out to candidates directly over social networks to find candidates, the ATS can make that a lot easier. It can merge all candidates into one clear file, giving you an overview of candidates and job positions. At the same time, you can advertise directly from the system with one click on all portals to get the best tools for re-addressing candidates in new competitions or different marketing activities.
Before selecting a suitable supplier, specify which candidate acquisition channels you are using and also verify the integrations available to each ATS supplier.
3. Reaching candidates through multiple channels
Check if you can expand the composition of your current channels and what integration options, for example with social networks, individual ATS providers offer.
By linking Datacruit ATS and LinkedIn, which brings together various professionals across the professions, we will reduce your time when you reach out directly by up to 70%. In each candidate profile, you have information available about who and when visited their profile in the past. It will also give you information on whether the candidate is currently in a competition or has participated in a past competition. You can view internal notes and any candidate ratings from your colleagues. Through one click, you can involve a candidate in the selection process without having to overwrite anything manually.
Tip! If you don't feel like a recruiter fixed in trams, get inspired by our tips on how to become a more efficient recruiter.
4. Involvement of line managers in recruitment
The objective of good recruitment software is to make it easier for managers. Recruitment is one of many activities for them to do together with other duties. Compare what features ATS suppliers offer in this respect.
At Datacruit ATS, we have created a separate environment for line managers where they can quickly pass on feedback, make a request for a position, evaluate a candidate, or alert another manager to an interesting profile of a candidate. Dashboard can be very easy to work with because it can clearly show when and who they are about to be interviewed, they can invite other colleagues to that interview to see it on the calendar. Furthermore, the Datacruit ATS shows which candidates do not have a given feedback or perhaps which positions are designated as hiring managers.
5. Unified and meaningful reporting
Providing a high-quality yet clear report from multiple sources is time-consuming. In ATS you can get a comprehensive overview of your recruitment from complete basic metrics to detailed analysis via one click. With this data, you can better form more strategic decisions in the future. In addition, you can also measure candidates' recruitment satisfaction with Datacruit.
Therefore, find out internally again which metrics you need to track, at what time intervals and in what format. Compare your needs with the offers of each ATS supplier.
6. Change of the supplier
Before you even ask the supplier, make an overview of all your recruitment needs. With this list, contact each ATS supplier and ask them to submit proposals.
Preparing the contents of this request is absolutely crucial. It doesn't matter how many questions you ask, but make sure that each one comes with a specific request that you've defined. Don't ask about the specific functions of the system, but how it can meet the goals you set - be it speeding up recruitment, improving the database of candidates, the need to measure recruitment more accurately, etc.
If you are interested in Datacruit ATS, please do not hesitate to contact us either through, the contact form on, or we are available to you by email and phone number +420 602 576 063.
Make recruitment more effective with Datacruit ATS
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