The end of the 8-hour working day: Utopia or necessity?

HR Tips

Eight hours of work, eight hours of rest and eight hours of play – this ideal day schedule popularized by the industrial age seems increasingly outdated. There is more and more debate about whether eight hours of work a day is even sustainable and effective.

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Arguments for shorter working hours

  • Increased productivity: It seems paradoxical, but reducing working hours can lead to increased productivity. Employees are less tired, more motivated and able to focus more on their tasks. A number of studies show that shorter working hours lead to fewer errors and faster problem solving.
  • Better work-life balance: Shorter working hours allow employees to better balance work and personal life. This leads to reduced stress, improved physical and mental health and overall satisfaction. Employees have more time for family, friends, hobbies and personal development, which positively affects their overall well-being.
  • Innovation and creativity: When employees have more free time, they can pursue their hobbies, develop their interests. Free time encourages creativity and allows employees to come up with innovative solutions for work tasks.
  • Reduced employee turnover: Businesses that offer flexible working hours and the option to work part-time tend to have lower employee turnover. Employees feel more valued and loyal when they feel that the company respects their needs and offers them the opportunity to balance work and personal life.

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Why fear change?

  • Concerns about a decrease in productivity: Some employers fear that reducing working hours will lead to a decrease in productivity. They are afraid that the work will not be done on time and with the same quality.
  • Shortage of Skilled Workers: If all employees were to work fewer hours, this could lead to labor shortages in some industries, especially where labor is in high demand.
  • Difficulties with the organization of work: The transition to shorter working hours would require reorganization of work and the introduction of new work procedures. Businesses would have to adapt their processes and possibly hire additional staff to cover the working hours.
  • Concerns about the financial impact: Some employers fear that reducing working hours will lead to increased costs, as they would either have to hire more staff or raise wages for existing staff.

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Are shorter working hours the future?  

The trend seems to be towards shorter working hours . Some companies are already experimenting with the four-day work week, and the results are promising. For example, Microsoft introduced a four-day work week in Norway and found that productivity did not decrease, but rather increased. However, the transition to shorter working hours is not simple and requires the cooperation of employers, employees and governments .

The end of the 8-hour working day is not only a question of working time, but also a question of our approach to work and life. While there are concerns and challenges associated with this change, the potential benefits are enticing. Increased productivity, better work-life balance and higher employee satisfaction are arguments that cannot be ignored. So it is possible that in the future we will work less and live more.

TIP! Take advantage of the reach of social networks , which play prim these days!

Author: Anna Křivská

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