5 Trending Recruitment Books of 2021
In a world where the only thing that is certain is uncertainty, recruiters must be fast, adaptable, and up to date on the most effective recruitment methods. When there are so many options out there, recruiting top talent can be difficult. These 5 books will help recruiters break through the noise and distraction to hire the best the market has to offer.
1. Social Media Recruitment
Social Media Recruitment: How to Successfully Integrate Social Media into Recruitment Strategy
More and more, social media is becoming a prevalent tool in recruitment, and not just LinkedIn. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are all becoming cost effective and time saving tools to bring the talent to the recruiter. This easy to read book breaks down the process of using social media as a tool for recruitment.
2. Recruiting in the Age of Googlization
Recruiting in the Age of Googlization
Gone are the days of paper resumes and showing up to an office unannounced to speak to the hiring manager. Technology has gotten rid of the recruitment practices of old and replaced them with more efficient and cost effective methods. This book discusses best practices for recruiters to use this technology to attract the talent they need.
3. The Future Workplace Experience
Strategic. Agile. Customer-focused. These are all traits of companies that are leading the way in the age of technological disruption. How do they do it? This book describes the framework organizations need to thrive in the time of constant change by recruiting the best, keeping them engaged and constant learning.
4. The Robot-Proof Recruiter
The Robot-Proof Recruiter: A Survival Guide for Recruitment and Sourcing Professional
Candidates are bombarded with information these days, and it can be hard for them to sort through the noise of it all. This book discusses how to cut through the noise to stand out to the candidate, build the candidate's trust, and support the candidate through the recruitment process.
5. Talent Magnet
Talent Magnet: How to Attract and Keep the Best People
There is a simple truth in the recruitment world: to be the best, you must hire the best. But what does the best want? This book will discuss what top performers are really looking for so that you can attract the best and become the best.
In a world that is uncertain, how will you use the knowledge and tools in these books to adapt and overcome?
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